Welcome to the new season
Midnight tonight sees the start of the 24/25 season on our lakes. The River season begins on June 16th. For those of you planning on fishing tonight at water such as Firtol, Harrock, Broadhurst and Mill Pond there will be a draw for pegs – remember , no-one can be on the waters before 6pm and no fishing can take place until midnight. Please be aware that because of ongoing works at Broadhurst there are only 7 swims available at the moment, all on the field side. The woodland side is out of action for the next few days. There are a number of projects the club is working on that have been delayed because of the ridiculously wet spring so please be patient with us whilst we finish these job off – they include Broadhurst, The path at Wilderness Main lake and the path around Bushmere. On the plus side, venues such as Firtol, Mill Pond, Arlington and Cypress Woods have never looked better. Well done and a huge thankyou to all the people that have worked on the waters over the closed season and fingers crossed you all get a few fish in the ‘onion bag ‘ Please be respectful to all other anglers and wildlife and do not leave any litter on the banks or in the car parks – take it home with you!.