Club Rules

  1. (a) Members must always have in their possession an official Membership Card when angling Club Waters (a Club badge is not sufficient) and a National Rod Licence.
    (b) Members, Bailiffs, Gamekeepers or Owners’ Agents all have the authority to ask for your Membership Card. Members are asked to challenge in respectful terms any suspect person who may be on a Fishery, and if not satisfied, to inform Secretary, Officer, Committee Member or Bailiff, with car numbers where possible, also report any misuse of Club Waters.
    (c) No more than three consecutive overnight fishing allowed on any water
    (d) No cans allowed on Club Waters, bottles (preferably NOT glass) are permitted providing they are clearly marked with the Members’ name, address and membership number.
    (e) Members must not be on a water until 6 hours before the opening of the season
    (f) Parking of vehicles must be in the authorised car park, where provided
    (g) No member may release photographs, catch reports or information on Club Waters to the Press, Internet Web sites or Forums, unless given written permission to do so from the committee.
    (h) For the comfort of fellow members MOBILE PHONES must be set to VIBRATING ALARM only, and have the audible ring tone turned off when on Club Waters. Outgoing calls may be made for emergencies only.
    (j) Juniors under 12 years can fish Club Waters providing they use the same swim as an adult member. Should they wish to fish their own swim then the appropriate Junior Membership fees must be paid.
    (k) Junior members must be accompanied by an adult member over 21 years of age when night fishing and the adult member will be held responsible for the Junior members behaviour. Only 2 Junior members per Adult member.
    (l) Juniors are not permitted to purchase Guest Tickets.
    (m) Possession of ALCOHOL IS BANNED on all Club Waters unless at an organised Club function.
  2. Members at all times must conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner, and no cause for complaint must be given to the local residents.
  3. Members must enter by authorised entrances only, and are required to keep to the immediate vicinity of the water and not trespass on any adjoining lands.
  4. Members must not wade more than 1 metre from the bank or stray more than 5 metres distance away from the butts of his rods at any time. No branches to be broken from trees nor rushes cut down indiscriminately.
  5. No lethal weapon, no fires under any circumstances, no radio’s or musical instruments, no interfering with trees, fences, or livestock, and no bad behaviour to be allowed on any water. No dogs allowed at Club Waters.
  6. Members must use their discretion in the use of GROUND BAIT AND BOILES whilst fishing, and at no time use these to excess. On ceasing to fish, you must not throw surplus baits into the water or leave the same on the bank as this constitutes LITTER.
  7. You are responsible for all litter (including waste bread) found in your swim. Members breaking this rule are liable to expulsion.
  8. any person upon leaving a fishery will be held responsible for any litter found within a fifteen-yard radius of where they were fishing.
  9. Only two rods per member may be in use on any club water and the rods no further than 3 metres apart. An angler must be no more than 5-metre distance away from the butts of his rods at any time. Gaffs are banned at all times, including for pike.
    (a) BEACHCASTER RIGS ARE BANNED. (If you do not know what this is, please consult one of the two tackle shops listed on your card)
  10. If a rod is left unattended the hook must be withdrawn from the water, the bait removed from the hook, and the hook made safe.
  11. Any member vacating a swim for more than 30 minutes shall remove all his tackle and gear from the swim.
  12. Keepnets are to be 3 Metres (10ft) in length minimum and not less than 30cm (20ins) in diameter. No fish shall be retained in a keepnet for more than 5 hours other than official club competitions..
  13. All fish must be returned to the water. No fish from any source to be introduced into Club Waters except by Club Authority. No fish to be taken away, except two trout in any one day. Record claims to be notified to the Secretary within 7 days of catch and witnessed and weighed by two independent witnesses.
  14. Seasons. Lakes and Ponds, 1st May to 14th Match inclusive. Rives and Drains, 16th June to 14th March inclusive.
  15. If any Club Water is closed for any reason whatsoever, it must not be fished by any member until officially reopened by the Club.
  16. No fishing from boats allowed on any water.
  17. If anything arises which is not provided for in these Rules, the same shall be laid before the Committee who shall have full power to act in the matter, their decision shall be final and binding.
  18. All fishing must cease at MIDNIGHT on the SATURDAY night at the venue where there is a competition on Sunday. The venue will also be closed for private fishing until the competition has ended, except for evening matches when the venue must be vacated two hours before the commencement fo the match.
  19. All “Fish” livebait strictly prohibited.
  21. Only competitions organised by Match Secretary are permitted on the Club Waters
  22. Bait boats banned from all waters